TM Agriculture its activities in agriculture, Çanakkale Geyikli and Manisa Köprübaşı areas. TM has aimed to become one of the leading company focusing on fruit farming. Within the TM Group, TM Tarım was established in 2012 and aimed to become a brand by producing high quality and healthy products in agriculture and animal husbandry sector.
TM Agriculture realized the first sapling planting on October 29, 2012.
This region has an ideal salt ratio in its soil and a breeze that is perfectly for the growth of our olives and almonds.
This provides the purest and the finest form of extra virgin olive oil.
As of today, there are 65 decare in 2 districts olive and almonds are grown in the field farms. We have 4200 trees in our orchard %60 of them are between 50-100 years old.
The importance of the agricultural sector, which plays an important role in the development of countries and societies, is increasingly influenced by the globalizing economic system, increasingly competitive environment and rapidly changing market conditions. The agricultural sector accounts about 15% of our national income and 45% of our employment in Turkey. We have and advantage of climate, large arable land and water resources and so Turkey is considered as one of the world’s leading countries in the field of agriculture and food.
In today's conditions where global warming and natural resources are gradually decreasing, it produces "healthy hormone-free fruits and vegetables" without compromising the environment and human health principle.